Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday is what you make it.

Good Morning Smile Warriors
Give Negativity the
It's Monday, October 28th, 2013 and I know you don't think there is anything good about a Monday.
This probably means you hate your job. You hate getting up early to go to work. So, I wonder, have you ever wondered how you got into this. The very fact that you spend the majority of your life hating what you spend the majority of your life doing means the system is seriously wrong and you are equally wrong for putting up with it. You are just making everyone miserable so maybe while we are smiling out there, we should really think about fixing things so we are happy 24/7.
I am not going to say I have had a wonderful weekend. There are people and energies out there that simply hate anyone who raises their vibration past the commonly miserable one. Yes, I am afraid if you haven't encountered it, you will as old Mercury is Retrograde and that my friends makes what goes around, come around and slap you up side the head. I found a good article on Facebook about how people who work to raise their vibration and push out of the mundane box often find themselves attacked for no obvious reason. It then went on to discuss the reasons people would attack you. It boils down to jealousy. They know deep down they want to be happy. They want to feel good and when they see someone who empowers themselves, who is happy and who is living not the high life but the good life, they have to take them down a notch or two and make them as miserable as they are. They refuse to admit they are the ones who have failed themselves. They have to show them the error of living their life the way they want to live it because after all my friends, it is Monday. You should be miserable. No, there is no reason you should be smiling at them and it will totally destroy them and their little black cloud of despair. Our job is to lift them out of the mundane for a moment or two, not join them there. Always remember that.
As to me, well as I said I know some very sorry, pitiful, miserable people who thought for some reason that if they could imitate, steal my life or just stay around me, their lives would be wonderful. For some there was the shock that I actually worked. When you have a store as I used to have, you have to keep regular hours and can't just take off for shopping in the middle of the afternoon. You have to keep your appointments and if you work for someone, you have to show up. Yup, that really shocked a few people. If money grows on trees, I haven't found the right botanical species, yet. For some reason, the power company, phone company and all the rest refuse to take good vibes as payment for their products. There are a lot of people who think I should take good vibes as payment for my services. Well, good vibes are nice but they don't keep a roof over your head or get you dinner.
Others were shocked that I have my bad moods and bad days. Just being around me didn't solve a single one of their problems. They simply didn't understand that life is a DIY. No one can make you happy. We, Smile Warriors, can give you a lift, but you have keep yourself up there. We just provide the example and the incentive by showing what kind is like and how it feels. I just met a whole bunch of Smile Warriors due to efforts of a few of these little black holes of doom and gloom.
Huh, you say. Well, it works like this. Ruin the holidays and my usual work/income for the really fun holiday of the year and I will be reduced to miserable. Now this is how it really worked out for me. I wasn't doing the usual Witches' Ball this year because we are working on remodeling and I am having a lot of dental work done. So the little 'cause problems at home spell' hit our well and we had no water on the night of the Ball which we weren't going to anyway so no one needed a shower. Thus, I just booked a couple of nights at my favorite hotel where I get high speed internet, cool a/c and a wonderful free breakfast George doesn't have to cook and I don't need to wash up after. If the black holes of negativity hadn't worked so hard to ruin things, I would not have slept on a wonderful bed with light fluffy pillows and no cats to share it with, but please don't tell them. I wouldn't have met a bunch of Smile Warriors whose job is to lift your mood and get you out the door with a smile on your face. Yes, hotels pay people to be Smile Warriors but don't get your hopes up because this little group of us isn't paying, yet. Oh, and I am enjoying a really good cup of coffee I didn't have to make, either. I have gathered a bunch of cups and plastic glasses that will become plant pots when I get home. Freebie recycles are always a plus.
Now, everyone stick your tongues out at the negativity and give it a big old raspberry. Oh, and AARP saved me money on the room! I think I'll just chuckle for a while. You can't defeat us. We have learned the secret of happy and everything you do will just transform into happy. We needed to work on the well set up anyway and the weather is perfect. Oh, let me put a cherry on this sundae. While getting the supplies to fix the well, we found a good pump on sale at a great price so now we have an extra if the one at the shop or house kicks the bucket....okay...that was a bit of a pun, but I think I'm allowed.
To recap, you have a choice. You can be a black hole of need and all the crap in the Universe will rain into your hole upon your head or you can be Smile Warrior and instead of crap, good things fall on your head no matter how negative they start out. Yes my friends, life is good. Let's go forth and make it a little better for the rest of the world. As to me, I am smiling and joking with the paid Smile Warriors here at the hotel and getting ready to try a little Facebook and Farmville before going home to work..and I know I'll have a nice clean room, free coffee and some food we scrounged from the breakfast room. No one is really here on Monday, point in letting a good chocolate muffin go to waste....I forgot something. On the way back from Lowes, we stopped to get some filtered water and I ran into Western Meats for some of the GREAT orange juice you find in the veggie department. On the way out, I detoured to the bakery and they had their famous pumpkin cupcakes. I really, really want that recipe because it is the best pumpkin cupcake I have tasted and I have tasted a few hundred in my life. They only make them during October and November. I have savored them all night. Another thing that wouldn't have happened without the little black hole of gloom and doom.
Remember when I bought the huge pumpkins at Target for under 4.00. Well, I went with baking one at 250 degrees F for around 20 minutes after I cleaned the biggest seeds I've ever seen in a pumpkin out of them. After it cooled, I just peeled the outside off and threw the contents in a huge bowl. I could hear my aunt telling me I would have to strain all the strings out and it was loaded with strings. Well, George bought me an Oster food processor for my birthday and I figured, get it out and try it out. Let me tell you, that double blade is sharp! Well, I started dropping pumpkin into it on low and next thing I knew I had two bowls of puree and not a string in sight. That is one mean mother of a food processor. I got over a half gallon of pumpkin out of old warty as it was known. I was licking my fingers because that was one good pumpkin. I froze most of it and have enough left for a pie in the fridge. Now I need to bake Smoothie and Sugar Baby and repeat the process. I do believe I have enough pumpkin for the entire season and who knows...they may reduce them after Halloween. I then cleaned up. Cleaning up these heavy duty appliances requires both us as we are getting up there in years and they are darned heavy. I could just hear aunt Rita saying to gently dry and buff that baby. If she had lived long enough to see these appliances do everything she did by hand for hours in just moments, she would have been ecstatic. I bet she is trying to reincarnate right this moment. Wait until she visits and sees the quilting/embroidering/ sewing machine I got cheap! She will be hanging around for a while and watching. It sure beats the old treadle machine I used to sit on the floor and work the treadle on when she got tired.

Now get out there and smile. Look forward and not backwards. Things really weren't that great in the past. I lived there. Today is really much, much better. SMILE!

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