Thursday, October 24, 2013

Smiling on Thursday

Good Morning Smile Warriors
It's been a few days but it's Thursday, October 24th, 2013

My dentist and hygienist are very gentle women but I still leave the office or when the pain killers wear off, feeling like I have been beat. I am not certain. Maybe when I'm not looking they sock me one. Whatever, the dentist takes everything out of me. So, I have been resting from my cleaning. I don't know if I made the right decision or not but I decided to go with more frequent cleanings verses a really heavy once a year cleaning since my mouth is in a delicate condition. Some time next month, I get another cap put on but it will all be done in one morning. I will leave with the permanent cap instead of multiple visits with temps and the dreaded string separating the gum from the tooth. That hurts like Hades. I will probably be out of it for a week. As you get older, the ugly truth is it takes more and more out of you with every medical procedure. You simply stop bouncing back and go splat.
Many years ago I ascribed to a philosophy that seems to have died. It states simply that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing right. So many people just do what they need to get by which amounts to a half arsed something as a result which they then need to fix multiple times. I'm lazy. Do it right once. I also subscribe to random acts of beauty. Without art, the world is just plain, boring and without life. Thus, though I make no pretense to be an artist, I randomly decorate anything that doesn't have life. I buy these watering things in a bag. They are beyond plain but they allow the water to seep out too quickly but all the way to the roots of the plant. This is better than watering from the top and watching the water run off your pot with half that expensive potting mix. I will tell you right off that if the potting soil is not moist, the water just seeps out the bottom of the pot through more than one opening but at least the soil doesn't go with it. As I said, they are really plain but no more. You can see from the pictures that a tube of silicone glue and a bag of rock chips from Lowes plus a bunch of glass thingies from the dollar store and viola, plain no more! Even the watering bottle that fits into them, was not immune on my house African violet. I think I'll leave the outside bottles plain. Well, know me and glue and shiny stuff. I just can't help myself. It's a sickness.

The point is, you can't make a mistake. The rocks are just randomly glued on based more on the size than color. I grab the glass things out randomly and just glue. I keep doing this to pots and whatnot and the universe becomes a more decorative place. I even think the lizards like it. I know the raccoons often steal my sun/energy catchers. They like bright shiny things, too. Somewhere there is a burrow decorated with bright shiny things and some day some park ranger will find it and go WTF?!? I'll never rat them out. I mean, they do have little hands. They could be making jewelry. You never know.

 So, next time you are sitting in front of the TV, get out the glue and shiny things and make the world a more decorative place. Commit random acts of art. The world will thank you for it. I'll thank you in advance for it.

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