Sunday, October 6, 2013

Monday 10/07/13 Raccoon and Cat humans allowed.

Good Morning Smile Warriors It's Monday, October 7, 2013

Okay, I'm cheating.

It's really 11:46 on Sunday night but I was afraid I wouldn't be up early enough to greet you and I know how bad a Monday can be. I used to work in retail....
So, how about I give you a few smiles from yesterday.
This is the other twin, I think
George and I were preparing for the trek to BJ's for milk. As is our custom borne of lots of broken dishes, we gather all the cups and saucers up and head for the sink. Otherwise, the cats have a tantrum and we sweep up broken glass when we get home. So single file we are limping into the kitchen where I know the small side of the sink is clean and empty. Well, that was the plan. It's seems in our absence, the Furry 7 had taken up residence in the sink. There sat two of them. We did not ask why as obviously they were doing cat stuff. We just put our dishes in the cat dish side of the sink and left. Discretion is the better part of valor.
We returned home from BJ's and George, though he has been warned a hundred times, left the box of groceries outside the gate. Fortunately, I am slower but I was behind him. By the time I got to the gate, one of our twin raccoons had found the box. The only thing that saved us was instead of acting like a wild animal, grabbing things and running, it was picking through the box to see what it wanted. I live in a very strange world.

So go forth my Smile Warriors and spread some cheer on this Monday and be thankful you do not have strange cats and raccoons because I could box them up and ship them to you. Remember, a compliment a day makes someone's day and you are the BEST!

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