Saturday, September 28, 2013

Go Forth and Smile, a Dying Lifestyle on Saturday

Saturday, September 28th, last quarter moon....

Good Morning good and kind friends. George made a great pot of coffee to greet me and I have washed the dishes, chopped the yellow pepper, some onion and an entire bulb of garlic to go with the potato and mung beans he is frying as a garnish for the eggs. It will be festive feast to start a busy Saturday.

Go forth and smile even if you have to paste the smile on you face. Compliment at least one stranger.
I saw an interesting post from a harried mother of young children. The poor thing had at least three. After dinner, she and her husband would begin to light candles and turn the electric lights off. It calmed the children so much that they never had a problem getting them to bed. There is of course a scientific reason for this. All the artificial light disconnects us from our natural biological rhythms. In particular, the blue LED's are so bright they actually reset your biological clock and wake you up! I have a clock with each number and the : in different colors. I have covered the face every evening as it bothers me and after reading that, I took a good look at the numbers. The : is blue and way brighter than the other numbers. Now I put the ac remote in front of it to block the light. If I remove it at night to see the time, I can't get back to sleep.

In more disappointing news, I bought a copy of Coastal Living last night to get some decorating ideas. I was going to subscribe, but as I went through all the lovely pictures and recipes, I faced a disturbing realization. I was enjoying the rooms and the color schemes when I hit upon a recipe for salmon sliders. The secret is in the sauce which looks very interesting without the cilantro. I am no fan of cilantro. The nice thing about making your own sauces from scratch is you can just leave it out. As I looked at the model food and thought about making some with homemade buns, I realized there will be no more salmon after I finish what I have frozen from before the radiation from the crippled Japanese nuclear plant contaminated all the salmon. Then there was a recipe for shrimp, but there can be no shrimp from the Gulf as BP has seen to that or from the Pacific.

Then I looked at some of the lovely sea side spas sitting right on the ocean and realized their days are numbered. Between the rise of the seas and the megastorms caused by global warming, one day the tide will come in and not leave and that day is soon. In other words, everything in that magazine can now be applied to your summer home in Rockies as the coast is toast. You can't safely eat anything out of seas. Best to watch them from the shore as swimming may not be a good idea. I guess I won't be subscribing.

It is often depressing to look at the past and how beautiful things were in the bygone eras, but looking at dying lifestyle like this, is just plain maudlin.

I guess my decor will go from seaside to tropical rain forest, if we have any water left......Perhaps Bedouin desert is a longer lasting idea.....You know with lots of sheets hanging from the walls and Burka to protect you from the increased solar radiation when you step out the door. Hey, maybe I can get a good deal on one of those space suits with its own personal ac and air filters since they cut NASA's funding.

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