Thursday, February 11, 2016

What Message are YOU sending the Universe?

I posted this question to Facebook and didn't get any answers probably because people know my questions are usually rigged. This one was no different.

If you want to paint your house chartreuse, and in the entire universe that is the only color I dislike, but if it makes you happy, I'll even help.
So what is wrong with the rest of you?
Why can't you be satisfied with just making your little piece of the universe a happy place for you and leave everyone else alone to be happy in their own way?
Seriously, I want to know the answer.

The great Power of Attraction People make a big deal out of you attract everything into your life but very little time is spent on what message you are really sending out to the Universe. Every Magician, Mage, Druid or Witch knows that if the message, spell, working or 'prayer' isn't consistent with the person's life and personality, you are wasting your time.

Most people would have answered my question with one simple statement: property values.

When we set out to buy a home, we did a lot of research and travel because we had never lived in Broward County. One place we landed in one afternoon was Coral Springs. After the “welcoming” committee had outlined their rules for living in their city, I told them that if I wanted to live in Nazi Germany, I would have moved there. But what about property values, they whined. I suggested a nice dark place for them to put them and left. I mean really, aside from telling me how many shrubs, what color my house had to be, I couldn't even park my pickup truck in my own driveway because it might impact my neighbor's property values! They were not impressed with my well maintained, paid for sedan because it was old.

When I was a teen, I volunteered to repaint our swimming pool in Hialeah because the previous owner had painted it battleship gray and that defined ugly. My father took me to the pool store and we picked out a nice Caribbean blue. After I finished, not only did I have a couple of gallons of blue left but the previous owner left a couple of gallons of gray. I looked at the ugly stained patio and said, how about I paint that, too. It was concrete with a abstract block pattern etched in it. An hour later my father wandered out and said I definitely needed a third color so off we went and bought a gallon of turquoise. The pool guy quickly said that was a horrible color for a pool and my father said it was the accent color for the patio. You can't use pool paint on a patio! Why? He opened his mouth and shut it. It had never been done, but pool paint is designed to be slightly rough, withstand water and doesn't fade in sunlight. I could never have done that in Coral Springs, but not only was our patio the talk of the neighborhood but colored patios sprang up all over the place. I discovered for the first time, I actually had artistic talent. I started sewing and doing more design.

After I found a strange real estate agent who guaranteed he would find me the perfect home and he got quite a list of requirements, I actually did some research into the planned communities. I worked for a newspaper so research was pretty easy. Imagine my shock when I discovered they had the highest rate of vandalism, not crime like break-ins, but vandalism. You would pay a fortune in taxes and repair bills because of vandalism which didn't exist in the “poorer” neighborhoods. A few months later, he called and said he had the home for us and took us over to see it. We bought it and have lived here for over 40 years. I ran into him a few years later working as a security guard and asked him why. His answer was no one buys a home now-a-days.

Read that sentence a few times. People buy real estate but they don't buy homes. They buy with one eye on resale. What does that mean? It means you don't expect to make a real home. You are biding your time to sell a piece of property. Everything you do and attract is based on increasing the resale value not making a home for yourself and your family. What does that say about your family? It says that is temporary, too, until something better comes along. Gee, I wonder why the divorce rate is so high? Friends, you might as well live out of a hotel room. Your message to the Universe is everything in my life is temporary. I have no plans to put down roots and because of that, everything drifts in and out of your life. There is no permanence and then I get to hear you wail that you have no real friends. Of course you don't. You don't have anything real in your entire life. You haven't built a life. You have created a temporary drama.

Of course the vandalism rate is high in these communities. The kids know they own nothing. They are just renting and paying property taxes. They can't even plant a fruit tree in their front yard. They can't even paint the house a color they like. They have no roots and if they don't really own anything, what do you expect: RESPECT? If they don't own anything why should they respect something you really don't own? Why should the Universe send you a partner for keeps when your entire life is one constant move up another step and leave the old behind?

Think about the message you are sending the Universe with your life before you make requests because it will answer in kind. You attract what you are.

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