Monday, January 18, 2016

The End of the World

Doing a bit of research, I found I had more questions than answers. It is no secret if you want to dig that there is a huge rift in the military between those who are actually working for the Defense Department Contractors and the real military that are following the orders of our Commander and Chief. The former wish to get us deeper and deeper into war for their profit. The latter are idealists that actually think they are doing something good.
It also became apparent with a minimal amount of digging, actually just scratching the surface, that the Hawkish “Think Tanks” are all Right Wing Conservative Christian groups financed by Defense Department Contractors.
However, here comes the question. How much money can you spend? As a group, this select number of people have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime or three. It is what is commonly called blood money because someone, somewhere has to die for them to make it. How can someone spend 7 months in Afghanistan, living among and eating with the very people each day they send out to die for their profit? After 10 years working in psychiatry, I can state that not even the worst psychopath can hold up under that kind of strain. Imagine sitting at breakfast with a group of young men, hearing their banter, stories, hopes and dreams while calculating you will make a few thousand dollars for each one of them killed that day or for the women and children they kill. Let that sink in for a minute. The people you are smiling and waving goodbye to, are the ones who will die simply so you can make a profit.
How do you knowingly poison an entire city's water supply knowing you are going to kill the children and elderly and sick and damage the healthy for a profit? And yet, the people doing this show no remorse, no guilt. They are almost giddy they did it and for what? Once again, they already have more money than they could possibly spend. Not even power keeps your conscience at bay in the middle of the night.
Our Corporate Leaders have allowed the planet to be ruined. The oceans are dying and they will take us with them. The bees are dying and taking our food supply with them and our leaders have known for 15 years what is killing them and covering it up to make a profit. Global warming may have reached the point we cannot hope to slow it down and the oil companies knew this 30 years ago and yet, for profit, they have destroyed the planet. Where are they going to spend that profit when everyone and everything is dead? It is these questions the average person simply cannot wrap their mind around. The complete absence of carrying about the end result. What kind of person can do this?
That was the final question whose answer I sought.
The answer is really very simple. You have to believe that death now is better than what awaits these people.
But, wait you say. Aren't they causing the end result?
No, they have to be convinced the end result is beyond their control, will happen to everyone and only a select few can escape a horrible death and it will take a lot of money to have the resources to join that select few.
Science has now established two mass extinction events both of which were most likely caused by the same comet. That comet broke up on the last event and its pieces hitting earth raised the temperature enough to melt the ice caps and flood a lot of the earth not to mention initially causing huge tidal waves or tsunamis. This is the basis for the flood myths of every culture.
Now if we want to wave the Bible around, we can claim the whole earth flooded and everything died except for Noah on a small boat. Face it, compared to a modern day cruise ship, the ark was a dingy. But, if you would like to take it from someone who has been in a tidal wave, that is not exactly what happens. When the first wave hits the shore after pulling a huge amount of water into the ocean to form, the next waves are more swells. The actual flooding is less than a single story and more likely 3 feet which recedes in a few hours. But when the initial wave backs out, it takes most everything with it. So, Noah was probably on his little boat when the first wave hit and when it receded, it took him out to sea. Considering his location he probably drifted toward the equator where is known to rain for more than 40 days and nights during the rainy season. There is nowhere in the Bible that says this boat had a method of propulsion or navigation. Hence he drifted until the currents took him back to the coast which would have happened eventually.
Here are the facts which I uncovered while researching a book I am writing. There is not enough water in the form of ocean or ice to flood the entire planet. If every drop of water melts into the oceans, parts of Florida will be above water! Surprise! Well, it sure ruined my plot line. It would ruin the plot line these idiots have been sold. You see, the debris field that was this asteroid or comet circles the solar system and is headed back our way. They have been told that through some miracle, that no scientist knows about, they have discovered a 22 mile wide chunk in that field which is going to hit earth and create the next big extinction event. Curiously enough, a number of cultures predicted the last event and knowing a nasty meteor shower was coming their way, moved their population underground. They also predicted the next round which would be coming up. The difference is the comet/asteroid broke up. That means the track was moved.
Let me explain. A car barrels down the expressway. With no friction it will continue to go straight. However, if it breaks up, part of it will continue in the forward direction but most of it will go in other directions and the largest part continuing forward has little chance of remaining in the exact path the whole was going in. Now throw the car into an orbit which is determined by gravitational pull which is exerted on each individual piece based on its size and every bet is off as to where it is going on the next rotation. So, although the ancients accurately predicted the second coming, the third is now hopelessly skewed.

As I said before, you cannot flood the entire planet and the previous civilization managed to escape underground. If you think about it, that would be the last place you would want to be in a flood. You would drown. The bill of goods some religious nutcase has sold the people with money and power is just that, a bill of goods with no substance. It isn't going to happen. Unfortunately, if you do not take the power back and refuse to play their war/religious games, you are going to be very dead by each others' hands and for what? You'll just get to see them staring at the sky on a ruined planet proven wrong.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Cook as a Healer

A while back I had a vision of a different world in which crystals and herbs were acceptable methods of
I have been feeling really bad and my usual sinus infection managed to take over my entire body. I was puzzled by this as we usually have a truce going but I was getting unbelievably weak. I asked for some help from whatever guides were around or my subconscious depending on how you want to look at things.
What I heard was the statement that the highest calling of a cook was that of a healer. Meals are meant to heal. That is why the breaking of bread with guests was such an important symbolic gesture. That is why gathering the whole family around the dinner table is so important to the family.
I set out to make some vegetable soup like I always do, but as I tried to gather my ingredients, I couldn't find the zucchini so I decided, insanely, to substitute a winter butternut squash. I bought a carton of sliced organic carrots, an onion, and a bitter melon. The bitter melon was for my diabetes. It has no effect on blood sugar, by-the-way.
I decided to try stir frying the bitter melon with some onion and those little sweet peppers that come in yellow, orange and red. It took over 15 minutes to cook and the melon still was tough as leather. It didn't cover the flavor, nor did liberal amounts of catchup, and the whole mess went into a baggie while I waited to make my soup.
A few days later I felt the time was right for the soup and the carrots and squash went into the slow cooker with two cans of organic tomatoes and one can of tomato sauce (I never add tomato sauce to my soup), some celery, an onion, a can of okra, corn and tomatoes, two baby Bok Choys, a dozen of those little multicolored peppers chopped into rings and the baggie of stir fried bitter melon, peppers and tomato.
I let it cook and surprisingly, I woke up at exactly 13 hours of stewing on low and got a bowl. All these ingredients did not eliminate the bitter twang of the bitter melon but it was now palatable after one spoonful. Spoonful two and it was tasting better. Suddenly, I had eaten the whole bowl. Even George ate a bowl full.
Then something very odd happened. Both of us were more awake than we had been in weeks. The world was clearer. We had energy, real energy! The effect lasted over 24 hours. I am really feeling a lot better and I have a few jars of this soup left.
My guides or whatever, said that the reason I became so sick with my sinus infection this time was something had torn a hole in my aura and I was leaking life force like mad. This constantly weakened me. Aside from an auric/chakra patch that I have yet to make, the soup was to stop the flow of life force from leaving me from the inside out. The patch will work on the outside, like a huge medicated bandage except it doesn't have to be placed over the hole, just on the body. It has to consist of 5 appropriately colored minerals joined together with copper wire. That is why I have been practicing my wire wrapping so religiously. The bigger the stone, the easier to wrap but the devil is in doing smaller rounder stones. Now if I could figure out to make a flexible, resin bandage like holder for the string of minerals so they could touch the skin, it would be perfect.

Try making the soup and see if it helps restore your energy levels. It sure worked on George and I, and neither of us had any idea what to expect. He just thought he was eating a weird new recipe I had concocted.   

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Remote Healing

Often I get early morning messages from another side of the Universe. This morning I received instructions to create a series of symbols based on your astrological chart that could be used as a personal address for healing or energy work.. These are the ones from my chart though not in the proper order because I was a little spacey at the time. They have to be in the proper order so you have to know your time of birth and place to do this.

Then they gave me instructions on how to make a "chakra patch" to prevent your vital life energy from leaking and the patch can be used with the symbols for remote healing.
I am still working on the chakra patch as it requires some minerals and metals.
Vital life energy begins to leak when you are not leading an authentic life.