Thursday, December 31, 2015

Living Authentically in the New Year

Nikola Tesla said everything is energy and so has every avatar since the beginning of time. We are energy beings and every exchange we have in this life and the next is an exchange of energy or between energies.
My single resolution is to live authentically. In that way, I will survive. At my age, many things have drained me of energy and I am intimately familiar with them. I thought I might tell you a little about them.
The book titles all tout protection against psychic attack, psychic vampires or this or that diet that is going to fix your brain fog, exhaustion, aches and pains and all else that is making your life a misery. They aren't going to fix a darned thing because although those things might be kicking around you, they are not what is wrong. If there wasn't an underlying problem, these things could not touch you. They would be quivering in the corner with their own kind.
The underlying problem is your aura, that energetic shield that protects you, is wide open and full of little holes. There are ways to reinforce that shield but have you stopped to think what might open it up and allow the creepy crawly things in?
Think for a moment about how you reinforce the energy shield. You do a guided visualization that builds a nice wall of some kind and plugs the holes or rather, covers them over. What happens every day when you try to be someone you aren't? You are building a new bubble around yourself with what you happen to know is a facade. You begin to place all your energy into building the facade and no energy into maintaining your real self. What do you think is going to happen? The outside looks great but the inside is decaying and rotting.
By living authentically, you first have to know the real you and not be afraid to be that person. Then you have to be careful to align yourself and your actions with that real self. You must remember that you have an unconscious mind that pretty much has the emotional age of a 4 year old. It sees things in black and white with no shades of gray and the moment you go against its grain, it smacks back. If you declare yourself in solidarity with working man and then show up every week in the great market that you know screws its employees so badly in salary and working conditions that they have to get food stamps to survive, your authenticity just went down the toilet. Money is not a concept your energetic self understands like you do and somewhere in the back of your mind, you know that you can do without less to stay out of those places. Your energetic self sees you exchanging money energy with a place that is bad for people and thus you must be bad, too, or something is wrong and it will work on getting you away from this place.
If you proclaim every person is beautiful and has value and then hang around with people who make fun of others and devalue them, your authenticity just took a huge hit. I had a simple rule when working, I didn't participate in “bitch fests” about my employer, even when I worked for a brief time at Walmart. The thing that puts the food on my table is not the thing I am going to be complaining about. I will do my job to the best of my ability no matter how much I hate the work because it is paying me and I guarantee, I will be looking for the door to get out as fast as possible. In my dotage here, I would know not to apply for work there. But when I was there, I was the best, most authentic employee on the floor, aside from the head games I enjoyed playing with security. Then again, that is the authentic me.
The only way your energetic self has to get you out of non-authentic situations is energetic. You have heard people say they were in these situations and got really sick or had an accident and that propelled them into their authentic life. The energetic self deals in energy and getting whacked with a moving object or sick through a loss of energetic protection in an area of the body is how the authentic self will move you if the hints don't work.
What hints should you be looking out for? You have a brain. You know when you are doing things that are at odds with your authentic self. If you have been at this for a number of years, you may have lost track of your authenticity. It maybe time to ask who you are and what you are. If you are truly perplexed then here are a few signs. You are alone. People have a sense of when someone is playing a fake part and they avoid relationships with them. You usually have no idea what is wrong, but people drift in and out of your life at high speed. No matter how good a part you play, if your energy doesn't match the person you are attracting with the nice facade, is going to leave and their answer is going to be, “it just didn't feel right”. Let's hope you never attract someone as fake and lost as you are. Free floating anxiety is a beginning symptom. You don't know what is wrong but you know something is wrong. This symptom grows into full fledged panic attacks. A panic attack is your authentic self trying to escape the fake self you have built and you feel like you are dying because the authentic self is trying to get rid of the fake one. Unaccountable weight gain is the authentic self trying to build a nice buffer between itself and the facade that is rubbing it the wrong way. You are weak, sick and ache all over and the doctors can find nothing wrong and nothing helps. Trust me, if you are truly in pain, pain killers work. If they don't, I not saying you aren't in pain but the pain may have an energetic rather than a physical source. Either one hurts like the dickens, but the pain from an energetic source can't be fixed with a physical remedy because it isn't physical. That is why drugs and alcohol do not solve any of your problems.
When you no longer have a score sheet as to who owes who what, when you stay away places and things you know are not energetically good for everyone, and when you no longer need hours to get ready for the role you are about play by stepping outside, you are authentic. You stop worrying about what others think and start becoming yourself. If they like it, it is going to be wonderful. If they don't, no loss, you just didn't belong with them. Fish do not try to live on land and minnows stay away from sharks. People leaving is good because being in fake relationships is going to wear you out. Eventually, the real psychic vampire will be the fake self you have created and maintaining it will drain you of all energy, happiness and health.
Many years ago, I started on this path because of a sign in a second hand tire shop. It basically said, everyone got the same price because it was just too much work to lie and keep track of who gets what. The owner said he had better things to do that he enjoyed more. I bought tires there until he closed the store and retired.
If you aren't enjoying your life, it may be because you are spending too much time on the things you don't enjoy, like keeping up that fake persona. So next time you are tempted to make changes and lie to be part of the in-crowd, you really should be asking: the in with what crowd. When you find yourself about to hand over your money which is a result of your energetic efforts in this world, you need to ask if you agree with what the place you are in is doing to people and what it represents. All these things are exchanges of energy and if the exchange isn't equal and balanced, you are giving more than you are getting no matter how much you think your are saving. Eventually it will take its toll.
Now, I know I am psychic and I know I am more “sensitive” but that just means, I see and feel more. It isn't a bad thing or a weak thing. To put it bluntly, I am going to survive in the wild because I do see and feel more and it keeps me safe. So let me describe my last trip to the big W. I normally would go no further into the store than the garden department because rescuing the poor plants sort of balanced out the horrible company they are and anyway, I knew they were losing money on the plants I was grabbing off the bargain table. Then one night I needed a yogurt maker and they had the ONLY one. I ordered and paid for it and all I had to do was pick it up. Trust me when I say they were at their usual level of efficiency. Finally I got my paid for package and headed for the door as the garden department was now closed (remember what I said about usual level of efficiency, I started with plenty of time to escape). I got to the front of the store and felt panic sliding up my spine. I looked at the people and like Don Juan, I saw energetic blobs and I must have looked like a fresh killed steak to them. I was also out-numbered. Well, no need for the lines, I was paid up! I ran for the front carefully avoiding looking like prey until I had the realization I had no idea where the door was. I couldn't find it. The whole front of the store which at one time had windows was now solid kiosks that felt like hungry ghosts reaching out for me and I was trapped. Finally I sort of flattened against a wall and watched the flow of people. Experience said they were either headed for food or the exit. I picked the largest group and followed. Once through that door, I knew why prisoners describe their first breath of air outside the prison as being physically sweet. It was. I walked around the store to my van feeling like I had escaped death. The air was sweet and the whole world was beautiful. Let's face it, the W's parking lot is nothing to write home about but that night, it was beautiful. I have never been back. I don't care what they have, I can do without it. I am living the authentic life and I am not a fresh energetic steak for a pack of people so drained they are energetic cannibals.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Do people even notice psychics?

It's great being psychic, most of the time, but it always amazes me how people just don't notice. I had someone ask me for a bandage today, just one. She didn't notice I handed her 2 or that it turned out she actually needed two.
See, we pass among you and you never even notice.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday, 12/19/2015, Living the Psychic Life.

Ever wonder what the life of a psychic is really like? To start with, we don't have those earth shattering visions that Hollywood would like you believe. But that doesn't mean our life is what you would think of as normal.

Today I had a doctor's appointment. I set my alarms and got up feeling horrible. The sinus infection had me in its grips so I hit snooze. By snooze two, I started having an uneasy feeling about my appointment. Being psychic, I am going to listen to that little feeling. After about 10 minutes of convincing myself I would be able to drive and make it there in plenty of time, the nagging unease persisted. Something was wrong. I reached out to my van it was fine. The cats were fine. The nagging was getting worse, so I called the doctor's office and was assured, the doctor would NOT be in this afternoon.

Patiently I dug the card out and read it to the woman. She then had a devil of time finding my records. Finally she asked when I made the appointment and I explained it was my 3 month checkup. Oops, something was really wrong. She found my records and told me they had changed systems and my information must have dropped out.

So she made me an appointment for next week and I laid down to nap for a while and fight the good sinus infection fight. BUT, if I had not paid attention to the constant nagging, I would have dressed and dragged myself down to a closed doctor's office this afternoon.

It is simple things. Last week I went to the grocery and had an avocado in my hand. Those things are a dollar a piece and I heard something say, "Kip will be by this afternoon with one. Don't buy it." I put it back and sure enough, Kip brought me a beautiful avocado. I had no way of knowing if Kip was coming by or bringing an avocado though he has brought me avocados before. You have to listen to that internal voice.

One day I arrived at my best friend's house, who is also a psychic and walked in with a gallon of milk. She had just that moment discovered her milk had gone sour when she went to get her guest some for her coffee. She took the milk without batting an eye as this was something that happened all the time. The woman freaked out. How did I know to buy milk when she didn't even know she needed milk? I just knew. After I left the lady asked never to be invited over when I was around. At first my friend thought it was funny until she thought it over later and realized everything the woman was saying about me, applied to her. Psychics don't have that many friends once the friends start thinking things over carefully.

Listen to your intuition. It really is your friend. Sure, you will have some off the mark intuitions, Everyone does but it is more likely you misinterpreted the information. Once I got a psychic reading and the gal said she saw all these doors opening in front of me. I was elated. Finally I was getting a big break. When I opened the back door for the 12th time to take my dog out who was having bladder problems, I realized what she really saw and opportunity wasn't it.

On the other hand a dear person told me she had a horrible intuition that if she crossed a bridge she was going to be in an awful accident that would total her car and put her in the hospital. So, I asked what she did. She drove over the bridge, was in a horrible accident that totaled her car and put her in hospital. Why did you drive over that bridge, I asked. Well, she couldn't back down it. Oh yeah, a couple of people will attest to the fact that I can do just that and the honking car that whizzed around me was probably the source of the horrible crash I heard a moment later. It is amazing how quiet a car can get after that. That's the real reason they put blinkers in cars: for psychics.